I-Traveler - Home, vote, tournament, opinions, travel, new york

     We all have our favorite American city to visit, some of us even wind up staying and living in it. Now it is your chance to vote on and decide which city is truly #1! Now just because the Big Apple is the most popular city in the USA, doesn't necessarily mean it is the best place to live or visit in America. Vote and come back for updates daily. When your city comes up, feel free to show your love by voting on it.
     Yes, I know there will be people not happy with certain matches, but it is suppose to be a fun tournament for big city bragging rights. Remember, you do not have to live in the city to vote for it. Maybe you love The Bay Area, and do not want to see it go down in defeat to L.A. Or maybe you hate the city of Boston and those damn Red Sox fans.
     This is a battle of city supremacy. Did you live in Austin for a few years? Vote! Are you the one that dislikes Vegas? Vote! Is NYC the absolute best city in North America? Vote! So enjoy this non scientific tournament, and let the best city win! Check back daily to see who advances in the tournament and for new matches to vote on.The finals are Wednesday August 13th!

Portland wins!!! Portland wins!!! Portland wins!!!

Update August 13th, 12pm est:

Well if you were paying attention to the updates, you pretty much knew who was going to win. Yes Portland, Oregon has defeated San Francisco, California. It claims the title of best city in America. We would like to thank to hundreds of people who voted on each match. Our record was Philadelphia-vs-Boston in round 1, which drew 289 individual votes.

Many people enjoyed this non scientific, tongue in cheek site for the last 3+ weeks. We thank you for your emails and comments. As for the angry people, who could not believe NYC was beat by Chicago or that Portland made it to the finals...we thank you for your passion too. I mean to get so mad over a silly online tournament seems kind of odd. But we enjoyed it nonetheless.

We would also like to thank the people of yelp, tripadvisor & frommers for voting daily. If you have any ideas for a future tournament, then feel free to email us. Have a great summer and thanks again for participating.

Portland:               80%
San Francisco:       20%

Click on any of the Portland pictures below for links about the city!

Both cities in the finals fought hard and earned their spot:

Portland took down Houston, Pittsburgh, Honolulu and Chicago
San Francisco beat Charleston, San Diego, Phoenix and Los Angeles

Results are in for the biggest shocker, check below.

Recent poll results:

Biggest shocker in the tournament

NYC eliminated by Chicago, with such a large margin, 82%-18%    39%

Portland, Or is in the final four                                                         23%
LA barely beating Tampa in Round 1, 52%-48%                              19%
San Francisco is in the final four                                                       10%
Nothing surprised me...this was my final four prediction.                   3%
Chicago is in the final four                                                                  3%
Biggest surprise yet to come.                                                             3%
NYC crushing Miami 90%-9%                                                              0%    
Seattle running over Orlando 93%-6%                                               0%    
Los Angeles is in the final four (0) 0%    

Which of these Top 10 foodie cities, would top your list for a dream foodie vacation?

 Lyon, France 23%
 Barcelona, Spain 19%
 San Francisco, California 17%
 New York, New York 15%
 Rome, Italy 12%
 Tokyo, Japan 8%
 Vancouver, BC, Canada 6%
 Las Vegas, Nevada 1% 
 Brussels, Belgium 0%    
 Hanoi, Vietnam 0%    
 Has the high price of oil and the poor economy changed your travel plans?

No - I have no change of plans...bring on the 4 star hotels! 38%
  Yes - but I will just vacation closer to home and save money   27%
  Yes - I will have to cancel any trips this year, times are tough 18%
  Yes - but I will not change my destination, I will make my trip shorter to save cash 17%
Best Mass Transit System in America 

  NYC                   39%
  Philadelphia        3%
  San Francisco      3%
  Seattle                3%
  Other                  3%
  Chicago              0%

If you have any poll ideas, feel free to email us at the link above. We are open to any ideas.


Help rebuild NOLA!

     Although this site is mainly a fun place to talk about travel and vote on different travel topics, one can not ignore the fact, that after 3 years, New Orleans is still NOT 100% fixed. Yes, the media vans are long gone and our government seems to ignore this great city, but I love New Orleans! The food is amazing, the music scene is top notch and the people have hearts as big as a giant bowl of gumbo! So make sure you click the link here and see how you can help rebuild NOLA. Whether its a $5 donation or planning a trip down south to assist rebuilding, anything that you can do is a big help.

Check out:



Best City Tournament Brackets

Click on the link to the left, to check out the updated tournament brackets.

Tournament Match results:

Round 1: (July 21-25)
NYC over Miami (90%-9%)

Seattle over Orlando (93%-6%)

Chicago over Austin (65%-34%)

Philadelphia over Boston (61%-39%)

Honolulu over New Orleans (56%-44%)

Las Vegas over Dallas (59%-41%)

Pittsburgh over Denver (53%-47%)

Portland,OR over Houston (66%-34%)

Providence over Atlanta (53%-47%)

Phoenix over Nashville (60%-40%)

San Francisco over Charleston (72%-28%)

San Diego over Charlotte (55%-45%)

San Antonio over San Jose (51%-49%)

Memphis over Detroit (58%-42%)

Los Angeles over Tampa (52%-48%)

Baltimore over Minneapolis (54%-46%)

Round 2: (July 28-August 1)

NYC over Seattle (60%-40%)

Chicago over Philadelphia (63%-37%)

Honolulu over Las Vegas (55%-45%)

Portland,OR over Pittsburgh (71%-29%)

Phoenix over Providence (53%-47%)

San Francisco over San Diego (55%-45%)

San Antonio over Memphis (57%-43%)

Los Angeles over Baltimore (78%-22%)

Round 3: Quarterfinals

Chicago over NYC (82%-18%)

San Francisco over Phoenix (57%-43%)

Portland, Or. over Honolulu (52%-48%)

Los Angeles over San Antonio (67%-33%)

Round 4: Semifinals

Portland,Or. over Chicago (68%-32%)
San Francisco over Los Angeles (51%-49%)

Round 5:
The Finals

Portland, Or. over San Francisco (80%-20%)